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Texas Lemon Law Blog Celebrates its Three Years Anniversary!

It is hard to believe it, but it has been over three years since I posted my first Texas Lemon Law blog article. I hope that consumers and fellow attorneys find the posts on here helpful.

Here is a re-cap of my 3 most favorite posts on this lemon law blog site:

1) Texas Lemon Law Deadline — written on November 5th 2007, the deadline for filing a lemon law claim in Texas still holds true. Act swiftly, as failure to timely file may mean that you lose right to your claim for a repurchase or replacement of a defective new lemon car. In the event that your deadline has past, you may have other claims with longer deadlines. Consult a lemon law attorney as soon as possible!

2) Tips When Bringing Your Vehicle in for Repairs — written recently on May 2, 2010, this post focuses on how to gather documentation evidence for your potential lemon law case. Preparation is the key to making sure that the service center addresses properly addresses your concern.

3) Texas Lemon Law and Used Cars — written on September 11, 2007, this article explains how used or pre-owned cars are protected under the Texas Lemon Law. In a nutshell, there is protection, but the protection is virtually useless. Please note that my lemon law office does NOT handle used or pre-owned cases.

Please keep in mind that the information on this site is not legal advice and should not be deemed as such. Consult with a lemon law attorney if you believe you may have a lemon law claim.

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